Your skin the largest organ of your body, so of course it goes through its rough patches and needs a little extra TLC from time to time. Our first barrier against our environment and the elements and often a visual representation of our lifestyle, our skin could do with a little extra loving especially in these colder and drier months. However, stubborn skin conditions can stretch on for longer than autumn and winter, making our skin seem tired and dull. Conditions like the signs of ageing, active acne, and hyperpigmentation are all-weather skin conditions that can mar your confidence, but what can we do about them? Chemical peels could be your answer, but what do chemical peels treat?
Active acne
Chemical peels treat active acne the way no off-the-shelf facial cleanser could dream of achieving. They contain a measured amount of acids and peeling agents to create a small surface wounding to the superficial layer of skin, encouraging the damaged skin cells there to die and shed. When treating active acne, the peel works to dry out existing spots and begins to rebalance excess oil production. This ensures that not only is active acne treated, but your skin is remodelled to prevent its rapid return.
Signs of ageing
As your skin ages, you stop producing and gradually lose your collagen. This is a skin protein that is essential to skin structure, bounce, and volume, so when it begins to decline naturally so do these qualities. Thinning skin, facial folds, and sagging skin are all common signs that your skin is ageing, but chemical peels help to kick-start this production again. By creating a controlled surface wound, we prompt the skin into a healing reaction. It readies fresh skin cells to replace those that will be shed and prompts the fresh production of collagen to support them. By increasing this positive skin cell turnover and new protein production, we can successfully smooth fine lines and wrinkles and introduce a subtle plumping to the skin.
Hyperpigmentation commonly accumulates over time and is an inflammatory reaction in our skin. Over time and after periods of frequent sun exposure, hormones that trigger melanin production remain permanently active and work to darken the skin. This means that you might not even realise the damage you’re doing until it becomes visible on your skin years later. Chemical peels work at deeper levels within the skin, ridding the surface layer of damaged and pigmented skin cells and readying a fresh layer beneath that is healthier and more even in tone. Over a course of chemical peels, you could see a dramatic difference in your skin’s tone and appearance through this chemical relevelling.
What chemical peels do Cosmetier use?
Here at Cosmetier, we use the superior Enerpeel® chemical peels to provide effective results for our clients. While traditional chemical peels can cause a lot of surface trauma to create their results, Enerpeel® minimises the reddening, frosting, peeling, and downtime commonly associated with the treatment. While doing so, however, it maximises the skin’s natural processes to improve skin health and structure. An incredibly beneficial skin peel, it even contains an anti-inflammatory ingredient that is used to control the stinging sensations during treatment.
Chemical peels in Toddington are ideal for acne-prone or congested skin, ageing skin, or skin that seems a little dull or tired. If you’d like to find out more about our chemical peel treatments and our recommended chemical peel aftercare, enquire online or speak to a member of the team on 01525 611036 today.